Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mom, Dad, and Bulge

Here’s me, squinting into the sun and feeling like an overripe fruit. I had thought that a blueberry-picking outing might send me into labor, but instead it netted Chris, Jen, and myself ten pounds of blueberries. It was also one of those rare days in which I was so worn out by my activities that I actually took a nap.

Here is Chris, stalking the elusive blueberry! Doesn’t he look like good Dad material?

I have my regularly-scheduled-weekly-poke-n-prod in an hour, and I’m a little nervous. Today is Thursday. The last appointment was the Monday of last week, at which I was told I was already dilated to three centimeters. The Monday before that, I was at two centimeters. If that trend has been continuing, I should be a bit shy of five today. Five is when the fun starts happening. But what if I’m already at five? Maybe from there we’ll be heading right over to the maternity ward. But I can’t go yet! The dungeon I’m building at work just got to the fun stage!

But unlike a week ago, I finally feel like I have adequately nested. The house is clean. The nursery is set up. There are still odds and ends to do, but nothing that Must Be Done; and besides, I can enlist Mom to help with this stuff after the baby arrives. (Want to hang some decorations on the walls of the nursery for me, Mom?)

I suppose I had better go put some pants on and get ready to see the doctor.

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