Tuesday, July 29, 2008


We're finally back home after a busy couple of days at the hospital. We arrived at 7:30am Sunday morning, and even then Michelle was feeling good and smiling. It wasn't until around 2pm when they broke her water that she finally stopped smiling during contractions.

In between contractions an hour and a half before Gabe came out. Can you believe she's still smiling? She kept on smiling and joking in between contractions all the way through delivery. How she made it through without any medication is beyond me, but she did it!

Gabe entered the world at 4:14 pm on Sunday July 27th, 2008. Michelle looked over as I took this picture and said 'He must be a Gabe, he looks like a little angel with a halo right now." This was after commenting as he came out. 'Holy shit did that come out of me?!?'

Mom worked really hard for this picture!

Gabe tipped the scales at 8lbs 8.8 ounces. Not quite lucky 7s across the board, but it was just as happy a number for us to see. We had expected him to be closer to 6-7lbs based on estimations during checkups leading up to his delivery, so it was a bit of a surprise. He's 20' long, has really long fingers, and sharp nails on them. He's already managed to scratch himself a couple times on his face when he's been out of his sleeper.

Speaking of sleeping it is really easy to just sit and stare at him as he sleeps. Mom and Dad both have to be reminded that for now when the baby is asleep they need to try and catch a few winks. We him breastfeeding we don't usually have long before he's hungry for more.

Grandpa and Grandma Sullivan flew up on Sunday night and have been a huge help the past couple of days. This photo is from this morning. We actually got some sleep last night and Michelle was looking much better for it. We have no regrets about letting him go to the nursery so we could get some sleep. We can't exactly do that anymore;)

Here Gabe shows how he gets milk out of Mommy.

Thwarted from sucking on his fingers!

A happy new family, getting ready to head home!

We didn't get the timing quite right and he was ready for a feed as we were ready to leave. He was fussing like mad so I was entertaining him by letting him hold my finger in his hand. This made carrying him harder, but there are times when I feel like I'd do handstands on nails if it'd make him happy. Michelle walked out, and is feeling good for all she's gone through. She and Gabe are settling into the nursery right now, and I'm going to go join them.


Camille Chu said...

Oh wow guys! What a cutie! Holy cow you did it with no drugs just like you said Michelle! You are amazing! Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!

T Gregory said...

congrats! beautiful family!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Chris & Michelle...he's beautiful and a miracle. Your life will never be the same, and all for the better! We wish you and your family many blessings! Debbie & Greg Knox (Gregory's mom and dad)

Anonymous said...

You guys look great!

Get your sleep!

Enjoy those extra helping hands while you have them :)

Anonymous said...

er, that was me above.

Jen said...

Congrats to you both! He's adorable!

Scienter said...

He's beautiful! Congrats! :) I'm glad you had such an easy labor and delivery!

Felicia said...

Congratulations!!! He is adorable!

Unknown said...

Wow! Congratulations! He looks so cute!

Anonymous said...

OMG Seed had a little sprout!! Congrats so much!

Aarti Jainath said...

Holy crap, he's so cute! Congrats you all.

Davi Blight said...


Michelle Clay said...

Thank you so much everyone! *hugs all around*