Monday, December 15, 2008

Night Time with Daddy

Like a burrito
Wrapped snug and tight in my crib
Drifting off to sleep

Gabe has a clogged tear duct, so his left eye has been full of wonderful puddles of gunk today. Michelle thought it was pink eye at first, but having grown up in a pediatrician's office I was quite confident it wasn't. The lady at day-care suggested a plugged tear duct and that made the most sense. Overall Gabe could care less as far as I can tell and Michelle has been clearing out the gunk with wet cotton balls.

Michelle has passed the torch of putting Gabe to sleep at night to me, and I have to say that tonight went surprisingly well. Though he clearly was trying with all his might to stay awake, he drifted off fairly quickly. My swaddling is still rough so the first time he managed to escape it, perhaps aided by the power of his staccato of gas dulling my senses. The second time though he was clearly and unhappily immobilized for the minute or so it took to rock him into dreamland.

Not unlike a clown
You work to make me smile wide
And giggle with joy

Michelle was on the phone with her mom while I was working to get some giggles out of Gabe. Nan could hear Gabe cooing and asked what was up. In reply Michelle explained how I was so good at making Gabe giggle. Nan's response was "Of course he looks funny!" Sigh:)


hero爺 said...

Parente gentleness is expressed in your Haiku.
What a happy your son!!

hero爺 said...


Parents gentleness are expressed in your Haiku.
What a happy your aon!!!

I am unversed haiku techniques.
You must be greatest haiku poet,俳人"Haijin" in the US.

Michelle Clay said...

That is so kind of you to say, Hero! :)