Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Extended Vacation

Well, it’s the second day back from vacation, and Chris is still feeling the worst of the cold. Gabe and I are putting up with a residual cough, which would have meant going back to work for me. But just as I was about to head out the door, snow started falling. I checked the weather report, and the storm looked serious, so I decided we all needed another day of rest. Happy new year to us!

Gabe’s grip is now amazingly strong and accurate. If he grabs a handful of skin, it pinches; if I lean over him in a hoodie, he grabs one hoodie string in his left hand and the other in his right – and quickly, too.

He has become a danger with small but hard toys, because he will shake them up and down so violently that the toy is likely to crash into his face.

His newest stunt is to go rigid. I was wondering how I would know when it is time to start holding him up to hold his weight on his own feet – and now I know. And this is perfectly timed to go with the two bouncy seats that he got for Christmas!

The Christmas gifts were amazing, but the best gift was seeing Gabe and his cousin Mason side-by-side.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Got your phone call, we'll call back before we leave my parents!

- Jen & Woody

Michelle Clay said...

Hi guys! Silly me, I assumed you were home because we were. :) Looking forward to our next Sunday dinner!