Saturday, August 30, 2008

Gabriel the Gamer

Gabe woke up not to long ago with a diaper filled to the brim with grim. After a quick change by daddy it was onto the breast of the great giver of life. I returned after about fifteen minutes to do another diaper check and was rewarded with some wonderful gas smiles and well, the gas that goes with them.

Upon return to the boob Gabe was right back in action. The problem is that the boob had been completely drained of milk. Now this didn't stop Gabe, and as he lay their wide eyed I could only think one thing. He's a little dirty spawn camper waiting for the milk to spawn, and by golly he's going to be first in line. As I carried him over to the other side of the bed to tackle the slightly respawned boob I narrated what must be going on in his mind to Michelle who nearly died laughing.

Gabe: "Dude why you takin' me away from my boob. I'm totally camping the hamburger spawn. I mean seriously there this bot that's totally been taking my milk when I sleep. If I don't camp it I'll miss it all. Bots are so lame, they take the milk and sell it on the Internets, I bet it was made in China."

Well I can hear him crying over the intercom so I'll be heading back up for another diaper change.

1 comment:

Michelle Clay said...

Gads, I'm choking on my tea with mirth!

Last night was rough. Gabe's intestinal difficulties kept us all up until 2. I can't understand how something that gives me gas should also give him gas, but that seems to have been what happened. And a fine time we chose to run low on gas drops!