Monday, September 8, 2008

Playing Dress-Up with the Baby Doll

Mom, when you asked me if I had a favorite outfit for Gabe, I thought it was a silly question. You know how disinterested I am in clothes! But I realized belatedly that I do have favorites. You were right!

Here is Gabe, demonstrating how he wants to work in the Entertainment industry, just like his mommy and daddy. . .

The black goes with his punk little mohawk. The outfit still needs some black leather and silver spikes to look properly punk-ninja. To that end it goes perfectly with the wonderful little triceratops music box that Lala and Opa gave him. (Lala and Opa, can you tell us the name of the tune the dinosaur plays? It’s lovely, and we can’t identify it!)

Along the lines of the Lucasfilm onsies – which came from a friend who works at Lucasfilm – Gabe also has a set of NASA jammies from a friend at NASA! But he needs to grow a bit more before he will fit into that one, and a space helmet was not included.

My company doesn’t sell onsies with the company or project names, sadly. But my coworkers gave him some awesome pirate-themed onsies. I regret not photographing Gabe in them, because he has already outgrown them! Despite being just over a month old, he is now wearing three-to-six-month size clothes. Additionally, Gabe seems to have been born with an opinion on the pirate-or-ninja debate, because on the day that I first dressed him up in the pirate onsies, he peed or pood on each and every one of them in rapid succession. Sorry guys!

In terms of convenience, Chris and I like gowns best, because when it’s three in the morning and bedtime was at one, a few snaps become a big headache. Also, any outfits that have sleeves with fold-over mittens is great, because I can flip the mittens over Gabe’s fingers when I see him clawing or making grabs for his hair.

This gown is my favorite among all of Gabe’s clothes, because it has built-in hand puppets!


Scienter said...

I'm still bummed that they stopped making the "Cylon love child" onesie before I found out you were having a baby. :P

Michelle Clay said...

aaaaaw! :) lol!

Well, the thought counts!

Lala said...

The music box is "Born Free" if I remember correctly. Sing a long and see if it works:-)

Michelle Clay said...

Thank you lala! That explains why it sounded like something I had heard a looooong time ago. . .