We spent the morning at the
Garden in the Woods with some of our friends on a photo and native plant expedition. It was a whole lot of fun and Gabe was great for the whole trip. He seemed to enjoy rolling around in the stroller and attempting to grab flowers and leaves as the rolled by.

Gabe is becoming much more nimble. He'll now throw a ball wildly towards me and I roll it back, rinse, repeat. I'd say maybe 25% of the time he actually gets the ball to release towards me, but it is clear he's trying to. I like this new game.

I feel so blessed to have such a social happy baby!
I tried the manuver in photo number two. My back went out and both knees may need to be replaced. I just discovered I cannot currently reach both feet at the same time.
PS thank you for sharing
:( Ouch! I hope you feel better soon!
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