Thursday, May 7, 2009

Gabe and the Blocks

So simple the square,
That I rolled down the stair.
Oh please don't step there!

When we returned from the vineyard this weekend Michelle needed to go out and plant some new arrivals into Gabe's garden. This left time for Dad and Gabe to play inside before bedtime. Not knowing how to keep him occupied I spied the box of blocks and decided to see how Gabe would respond to them. Of course like everything at this stage he tried each one out for taste.

While I'd like to say Gabe is building this tower he's actually knocking down one I set up for him. I'd build up the tower and he'd pull the block off the top knocking the rest down. This seemed to be great fun for him.

Gabe soon discovered that clapping two blocks together works a whole lot better than clapping hands together if you want to make some noise.

Gabe spent a fair bit of time turning each block around to see what it had on its different sides. That is if you consider several seconds before the block got popped into his mouth a fair bit of time.

Gabe played with the blocks for nearly an hour and only tired because it was in fact time for bed.

Near the end he pulled the label off of the box of blocks. Looking back I think he might have had more fun with the label than he did with the blocks, but the blocks lived to be played with again. The label did not.

1 comment:

Michelle Clay said...

Oh my word, Chris, you have outdone yourself! What wonderful photos!

All of my photography and blog time has been about gardening, because need my slivers of time to take a break from baby stuff.